Rose - Rosa
centifolia, R. damascena, R. galiica
Rose is one of the most well-known and widely loved
flowers and is easily recognised by its smooth stems
with sharp thorns, serrated leaves and fragrant
flowers of deep pink and red with scarlet pips.
The Red Rose has been cultivated for well over 3,000
years and is probably the first flower from which
essential oil was distilled - it is the 10th Century
Persian alchemist, phsyician, poet, astronomer and
mathematician Avicenna who is generally accredited
with this discovery. A huge quantity of Rose petals
are required to extract the tiniest amount of oil
- making Rose an expensive oil. The principle varieties
used for producing the essential oil is Rosa centifolia
and Rosa damascena.
Biologists have apparently traced roses back some
200 million years - they are believed to be the
second oldest variety of flower after the Buttercup.
flower of the Gallic Rose used to adorn the shields
of Persian Warriors several thousand years BC. The
6th Century Greek poet Sappho called the Rose the
"Queen of flowers" and in Greek and Roman
mythology the Red Rose represents desire and passion,
rebirth and protection. The first red roses were
supposed to have sprung from the blood of Adonis,
and Pink Roses when Aphrodite spilt drops of her
blood onto a white rose whilst trying to help her
wounded lover, Adonis.
The Rose was also sacred to Venus and was consecrated
by Cupid to Harpocrates (the God of silence) to
bribe him not to reveal the Goddess's amours. Thus
the term sub rosa came into being. In 'Discovering
the Folklore of Plants' Margaret Baker writes
that "a plaster rose, a symbol of silence, in the middle
of the ceiling, reminded those below that their
conversations must not be repeated. In 1526 it was
placed over confessional boxes and the idea was
adopted later by the jacobites after Charles Edward
Stuart's defeat of 1745, when they could only express
their support sub rosa."
Culpeper also attributed the Red Rose to Venus,
so it is hardly surprising that the Rose is considered
to have feminine qualities and is exceptionally
useful for a range of female related ailments. Rose
has a powerful cleansing, purifying, regulating
and tonic effect on the uterus, and is considered
particularly valuable where there is loss of uterine
muscle. Rose is also effective for remedying irregular
menstrual cycles and is helpful for treating post-natal
I have found Rose to be a wonderful remedy for emotional
disturbances and a valuable antidepressant - during
the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period Rose
was highly esteemd as a remedy for depression. In
Aromatherapy, Rose is often used to remedy emotional
problems, especially those connected with feelings
of vulnerability, fragility, intense sadness and
Roses also have a powerful tonic effect on the nervous
system, as well as on the stomach, liver and spleen.
skincare Roses are suitable for all types of skin,
but especially sensitive, dry or ageing skins and
has a tonic, astringent effect on capillaries. It
is particularly effective when depression or emotional
disturbances are the cause of skin complaints.
Rosewater is soothing, antiseptic and tonic to the
skin. It has a light perfume and is an effective
antiseptic for eye infections. To make a simple
Rosewater place 1 lb of clean Red Rose in a saucepan,
cover with half a litre of water, cover with a lid
(to prevent steam escaping) and simmer over a low
flame for 30 minutes. Allow to cool, covered, and
straing into a glass jar with a screw lid and refrigerate.
Apply to face and neck to tighten skin and remedy
(or a simpler 10 minute infusion of Red Rose petals)
is a traditional remedy for soothing inflamed or
irritated eyelids. An
infusion of Red Rose petals also makes a particularly
effective mouthwash and is reputed to cleanse and
strengthen the gums and mucous membranes.
handful or two of Red Rose petals in the bath makes
a fragrant and effective remedy for rheumatic aches
and pains - fresh petals can be scattered directly
into the water, alternatively place a handful of
dried petals in a tea pot (or suitable vessel) and
pour on freshly boiled water. leave to infuse for
15 - 30 minutes and add to the bath water.
Roses have a long standing reputation as an aphrodisiac
and in Italy it is tradition to scatter the petals
over bridal beds. Interestingly Rose is considered
an excellent remedy for lack of sexual confidence
and is used to remedy frigidity in women and male
impotence - making it an ideal oil to use in a sensual
massage blend.
have been used in beauty treatments for thousands
of years and have also enjoyed a long history of
use as a strewing herb and a pot-pourri ingredient
and have even appeared in herbal tobaccos. The Petals
were popular as a sweet - I remember making crystallised
Rose petals as a young child, dipping the clean
petals in egg white beore coating them in sugar
and leaving them to dry on a wire rack. These make
beautiful edible cake decorations too.
aromatic toilet vinegar recipe from A Modern Herbal
by Mrs. M Grieve, 1931 :
a good quantity of rose leaves (petals), lavender
flowers and jasmine flowers. Weigh them, and to
every 4 oz of rose leaves (petals) allow 1 oz each
of lavender and jasmine. Mix them well together,
pour over them 2 pints of white vinegar, and shake
well, then add 1/2 pint of rosewater and shake again.
Stand aside for tens days, then strain and bottle."