pale leaf Gaia's Garden leaves


Tongues of fire
by Domino

Lying on the new-mown grass
Summer stars like heaven’s dust
Above my starry eyes
Night sky of deepest velvet back
Drop, brief
Before the inkling dawn
Of light’s full glorious day.

Beyond the short-cut grass,
The crops wax full and heavy
On the swaying stalks;
Behind, above the crazy logs
The tongues of fire
Leap higher.
Inside, behind my brimming eyes
The tongues of fire
Leap higher
Towards the Now
And Once and Future
Victory of the Light
That points beyond the dying
Embers soon to come
And ashes as it must always
Come to pass.

And pass from darkest night
Again to turn
Towards new Light,
A circle without end.

*        *        *
Tongues of Fire © Domino 2005


pale leaves

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